What is IT Staff Augmentation and How Can It Benefit your organisation?


Stuck with IT projects but lacking manpower? Don’t fret! Temporary team members, acting as augmented IT staff, can be your secret weapon. These professionals bring valuable expertise in short-term bursts, helping you achieve project goals without expanding your permanent headcount. Here’s our guide to unlocking the potential of this powerful staffing solution.

Tech talent shortage got you stuck? Meeting project deadlines and quality expectations can be a struggle when your team lacks the expertise. While hiring permanent staff takes time, there’s a faster, smarter solution: IT staff augmentation.

Think of it like borrowing an expert from an agency specializing in software development outsourcing. They’ll provide experienced professionals to fill your talent gap, helping you achieve timely, high-quality project delivery without the lengthy hiring process.

Few stats:

Global Software Market Size:

  • As of October 27, 2023, the projected market volume for 2023 was revised to US$652.61 billion, slightly lower than your previous figure.
  • The estimated CAGR for 2023-2030 is 11.5%, surpassing the previously mentioned 5.72%. This indicates even faster growth than initially anticipated.
  • By 2030, the market is expected to reach a staggering US$1,397.31 billion.

Enterprise Software Market:

  • The projected market volume for 2023 remains at US$263.80 billion, as you mentioned.
  • However, the estimated CAGR for 2023-2030 is now 8.7%, indicating stronger growth in this segment as well.
  • By 2030, the enterprise software market is expected to reach US$542.28 billion.

Regional Distribution:

  • The United States still holds the largest share, though slightly lower than previously stated, at US$318.58 billion in 2023.
  • However, the Asia Pacific region is projected to experience the highest growth rate (CAGR 12.7%), potentially impacting its future market share.

A booming software market brings about an increase in demand for varied skill sets and trained staff. The following break-up shows how the software market is expected to show a surge in revenue:

What do you mean by IT Staff Augmentation?

Boost your tech team with targeted expertise, on-demand. That’s what IT staff augmentation offers. This flexible solution lets you temporarily add skilled professionals from outside agencies to your existing team, tackling specific project needs and accelerating your product development.

Unlike outsourcing where you hand over the entire project, staff augmentation gives you granular control. You identify the exact skills you need, whether it’s developers, architects, testers, or specialists, and bring them in for the duration of the project. This targeted approach lets you seamlessly integrate them into your team, ensuring consistency and alignment.

Why choose staff augmentation?

  • Fill skill gaps: Address talent shortages, access niche expertise, or manage high-demand periods without adding overhead.
  • Faster scaling: Find the right people quickly and easily, accelerating project timelines and boosting delivery efficiency.
  • Maximize expertise: Integrate specialists with your existing team, leveraging both internal knowledge and external skills.
  • Global talent pool: Tap into a wider pool of talent, unconstrained by location, thanks to the rise of remote work.

Staff augmentation empowers you to build high-performing, adaptable teams, meeting project goals effectively with the best combination of internal and external talent.

You need to understand IT Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services

Feeling overwhelmed by options? Selecting the best operating model for your IT projects can be tricky, especially when staff augmentation and managed services seem similar. But fear not! Here’s a breakdown to help you choose the perfect fit:

FeatureStaff AugmentationManaged Services
ControlYou retain full control over project decisions and deliverables.Provider manages project, following agreed-upon service level agreements (SLAs).
Engagement LevelProject-based, temporary addition to your existing team.Ongoing partnership, often long-term contracts with continuous support.
FlexibilityEasily adapt to changing project needs by adding or removing resources.Requires formal change requests and may incur additional fees for adjustments.
ExpertiseAccess specific skills your team lacks for a defined task.Provider offers broader expertise and handles diverse IT needs.
CostGenerally pay per resource, potentially lower upfront costs.Predictable subscription model, but overall cost may be higher long-term.
Management BurdenRequires internal project management and resource integration.Provider manages most IT tasks, reducing your internal burden.

Why you need to consider IT Staff Augmentation?

Post-Pandemic Talent Crunch? Staff Augmentation to the Rescue!

The struggle is real: finding top talent in a post-pandemic world has become a major headache. Traditional hiring for permanent roles can be painfully slow, leaving your projects stalled and frustrated.

But there’s a smarter solution lurking right around the corner: staff augmentation.

Think of it as giving your in-house team a powerful, temporary superpower. You bring in highly experienced professionals on a contractual basis, specifically chosen to fill your skill gaps and tackle pressing projects.

The result? A dynamic, well-rounded team with the best of both worlds:

  • Internal knowledge and expertise: Your existing team members know your company’s ins and outs.
  • Fresh perspectives and targeted skills: The outsourced professionals bring the specific skills and experience you need right now.

It’s a win-win:

  • Faster project completion: Get things done quicker by overcoming skill gaps and scaling your team instantly.
  • Reduced hiring burden: Skip the lengthy recruitment process and find the right talent, ready to go.
  • Cost-effective: Pay only for the skills you need, for the duration you need them.

Staff augmentation isn’t just a temporary fix, it’s a strategic move for agile businesses in a dynamic world. So why wait? Supercharge your team and watch your projects soar!

ReasonFulfills Needs
Increase Developer CapacityMeet delivery timelines
Increase sprint velocity
Maintain sustainable pace
Fulfill short-term RequirementsAllows time to hire full-time employees
Help meet the project requirements temporarily
Helps ensure faster time to market
Build Flexible Work ModelsAdopt the best-in-class business strategy
Maintain competitive advantage
Emerge as an agile organization
Bridge Skill GapAccess to staff that holds experience in a disruptive technology
Meet the project timelines when permanent hiring is taking time
Promote swarming (developers with appropriate skills work together to complete a task that is causing troubles)

When to Choose IT Staff Augmentation: Checklist

Need a development boost? IT staff augmentation could be your secret weapon! Here are some signs it’s the right fit for your business:

  • Supercharge your in-house team: Add specialized skills or extra firepower to tackle demanding projects without lengthy hiring processes.
  • Talent drought got you down? Overcome skill gaps and find the perfect temporary expertise, even in a challenging market.
  • Go global, save smart: Access high-quality offshore talent while building a collaborative remote team culture.
  • Embrace the future: Tap into experienced developers who understand cutting-edge technologies, giving your projects a competitive edge.

IT staff augmentation offers unparalleled flexibility and expertise to conquer your development challenges. Ready to see what it can do for you?

Types of IT Staff Augmentation

IT Staff Augmentation Process Flow @mKish Tech

As a standard practice, the staff augmentation process follows through the following steps to ensure project success:

1. Requirements Analysis

The business and the functional requirements regarding the project are discussed. After thoroughly analyzing the requirements, we arrange a meeting between the developers and the client.

2. Client and Developers Meeting

A meeting is arranged between the client and the developers so that they are on the same page in context with the project requirements and the respective KRA (key responsibility area).

3. Developer/s Allocation

Once the requirements are precise, developer/s (one or multiple) are assigned to the project based on the client’s needs. The service provider usually does this allocation based on skills, experience, and availability.

4. Develop

The assigned developers collaborate with the in-house team to complete the tasks across the sprint cycles. The developer/s communicates with the client directly without the involvement of a project manager or a business analyst (unless a PM or a BA are also hired).

5. Continued Support

The hired developers continue to offer support throughout the product’s lifetime. If the hiring agency is satisfied with the work, they can employ the same team for other projects in the future.

IT Staff Augmentation vs. Managed Services vs. In-House Staffing

When you need clarification between IT staff augmentation and managed services, hedge your bets! Analyze your requirements, consider the pros and cons of each available option, and choose wisely.

Here’s a decision framework to help you make an informed decision:

ParameterStaff AugmentationManaged ServicesPermanent Hiring
Have access to an in-house team but need extra resources
No access to an in-house team
Need to fill the skills gap
Looking for tight control over the development process
Software development is not your business model
Have a tailor-made software development process
Project demand developer team expansion
Short-term project
Concern over IP (Intellectual Property)
High project complexity

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IT Staff Augmentation Services:


What is IT staff augmentation?

Briefly explains it as adding temporary, specific skilled professionals to your existing team.

What are the benefits of using IT staff augmentation?

Highlighting key benefits are like filling skill gaps, faster project completion, reduced hiring burden, cuts admin. cost etc.

What makes it different from outsourcing?

Highly visible that you have more control over project decisions and deliverables compared to full outsourcing.

Is staff augmentation right for my business?

Provides you some quick indicators like having an in-house team, facing talent shortages, or needing specific expertise.

Service Offerings:

What types of IT professionals can you provide?

Mainly areas like developers, architects, testers, analysts, project managers, DB admins, DevOps experts, cloud engineers, UI/UX experts etc.

Do you offer specialists in specific technologies or industries?

We cover all most verticals if you have expertise in specific areas like cloud, AI, public sector, banking, insurance, healthcare, etc.

Can you help me assess my skill gaps and recommend suitable resources?

With our free cost of consultation and analysis process to identify needs, our team would be able to help you identify key skill gaps.

How do you ensure the quality and experience of your staff?

Before even onboarding we do screening, vetting, and training procedures.

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