TypeScript is an Open Source Object Oriented programming language developed and maintained by Microsoft Corporation. TypeScript is a strongly typed language and its first version was introduced in 2012. It is a Strict Super Set of JavaScript, which means anything that is implemented in JavaScript can be implemented using TypeScript along with the choice of adding enhanced features (every existing JavaScript Code is a valid TypeScript Code). As TypeScript code is converted to JavaScript code it makes it easier to integrate into JavaScript projects. It is designed mainly for large Scale projects.

Why is TypeScript gaining popularity ?

  • JavaScript was initially developed to be a light weight easy to learn language mainly focusing on simple DOM manipulations but the standards changed with time and that is where TypeScript came into picture as it adds enhanced features to JavaScript.
  • The support for Classes and Objects is also one of the main reasons for its increasing popularity as it makes it easier to understand and implement OOPS concepts as compared to the standard prototype based implementation provided by native JavaScript.
  • Also the use of TypeScript in popular JavaScript Frameworks like Angular has helped TypeScript gain interest.

About the Trainer


  • Name: John Smith
  • Professional Title: Senior Software Engineer
  • Education: Master’s in Computer Science, XYZ University
  • Expertise:
    • Over 15 years of experience in software development and architecture
    • Proficient in full-stack development with expertise in Java and web application development
  • Industry Experience:
    • Worked with leading tech companies, contributing to the development of scalable and secure applications
    • Extensive experience in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions for diverse industries
  • Training Experience:
    • Conducted numerous training sessions on cloud architecture, software development best practices, and agile methodologies
    • Received positive feedback for clear communication and hands-on, practical training approach
  • Skills:
    • Strong communication and presentation skills
    • Ability to convey complex technical concepts in an understandable manner
    • Passionate about fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment



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About this course

Make your websites dynamic and interactive with TypeScript! You’ll create features and stand-alone applications. This module includes projects where you will learn how to manipulate the DOM, use object-oriented programming principles, and fetch real-world data using APIs.


  1. Introduction to TypeScript
  • Understanding the benefits of using TypeScript
  • Setting up TypeScript in a project

2. Type System and Annotations

  • Exploring TypeScript’s type system and type annotations
  • Annotating variables, functions, and interfaces with types

3. Advanced Type Features

  • Using advanced type features like unions, intersections, etc.
  • Creating type aliases and mapped types

4. Promises and Fetch API

  • Understanding promises and asynchronous programming
  • Using promises to handle asynchronous operations

5. Async/Await Syntax

  • Exploring the async/await syntax for cleaner async code
  • Handling errors and exceptions with async/await

6. Concurrent Async Operations

  • Executing concurrent async operations with Promise.all
  • Managing async control flow with Promise.race

7. Introduction to React

  • Understanding the fundamentals of React library
  • Creating components and managing state in React

8. React Routing and Navigation

  • Implementing client-side routing using React Router
  • Creating dynamic navigation menus and routes

9. Component Lifecycle and Hooks

  • Understanding React component lifecycle methods
  • Using React hooks for state and side effects

10. Introduction to State Management

  • Exploring the need for state management in applications
  • Understanding the principles of Redux

11. Redux Concepts and Data Flow

  • Understanding Redux actions, reducers, and store
  • Managing application state with pure functions

12. Advanced Redux Patterns

  • Implementing middleware and async actions in Redux
  • Using Redux DevTools for debugging and analysis

13. Capstone Project

  • Working on a real-world web application using React and Redux
  • Applying advanced JavaScript and TypeScript concepts

14. Performance Optimization

  • Identifying performance bottlenecks and optimization opportunities
  • Implementing performance optimizations in React applications

15. Project Showcase

  • Presenting the final project to peers and mentors
  • Demonstrating proficiency in advanced frontend development

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