Software automation testing in simple terms is analyzing and examining software products and solutions in backend logic, scenarios at scale, API requests and response, and to check the usability for verifying the product’s pros and cons which in turn pushes businesses to expand and improvise on their outcome. Automation tools are used as a process of testing and evaluating the software’s components, products and services in more robust process. Software testing can also be known as Application Under Test (AUT). Software testing holds the most coveted position in the tech industry, making it one of the many sought-after jobs.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand concepts within Manual plus Automation testing and its realtime usage
  • Make use of tools to tailor out the existing applications to test

About the Trainer


  • Name: Meenakshi
  • Professional Title: Lead QA Analyist
  • Education: Master’s in Computer Science, XYZ University
  • Expertise:
    • Over 12 years of experience in software assurance and test framework architecture
    • Proficient in end to end testing cycle, full-stack development with expertise in Java and web application development
  • Industry Experience:
    • Worked with leading tech companies, contributing to the development of scalable and secure applications
    • Extensive experience in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions for diverse industries
  • Training Experience:
    • Conducted numerous training sessions on cloud architecture, software development best practices, and agile methodologies
    • Received positive feedback for clear communication and hands-on, practical training approach
  • Skills:
    • Strong communication and presentation skills
    • Ability to convey complex technical concepts in an understandable manner
    • Passionate about fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment



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  • What is automation testing?
  • Difference between Manual & Automation Testing
  • When to go for Automation
  • Advantages of Automation
  • Licensed Automation Tools.
  • OpenSource Automation Tools

Introduction of Selenium.

  • Overview of Selenium.
  • . Different Selenium Components(Selenium DE, WebDriver, Selenium GRID)
  • Differences between Selenium and other Tools.

Configuring Eclipse IDE

  • Installation of lava
  • Installation Eclipse IDE
  • How to create new java project
  • How to create a new java class
  • Compiling and Running java class
  • Analyzing the results of java program

Learning Java

  • . Introduction to Java programming
  • Primitive and Non-Primitive Data types
  • Operators in Java
  • . Wrapper Classes
  • Types of Variable (Local, Instance and Static Variables)

Conditional Statements

  • If else condition
  • Nested If Else Condition
  • Switch case statement
  • Examples for all the above conditions

Loop Statements

  • While loop
  • Do while
  • For loop
  • For each loop.
  • Examples for all the above loops


  • What is an Array?
  • Type of Arrays
  • Working with Single Dimensional and Multi-Dimensional Arrays
  • Copying Arrays with Clone() and array copy()

Packages, Classes and Objects

  • What are Packages
  • How to create Classes ,Objects and
  • Object References.
  • Working with Constructors
  • Using Methods(instance, static)
  • Access Modifiers (private, default, protected and public)
  • Method arguments call by value and call by reference
  • How to write user defined methods

Interface& Abstract Class

  • How to define Interface
  • How to implement Interface
  • How to define Abstract Class
  • Abstract method vs. Concrete method
  • Interface vs. Abstract class vs. Concrete Class
  • Implements vs. extends


  • What is Inheritance and Why to use Inheritance?
  • Single Level Inheritance, Multi-Level Inheritance, Multiple Inheritances(Through Interface)
  • super keyword
  • this keyword
  • Composition /Aggregation
  • Inheritance (Is a Relationship) vs. composition (Has a Relationship)


  • What is polymorphism?
  • Compile time Polymorphism
  • Method overloading
  • Constructor overloading
  • Runtime Polymorphism
  • Method Overriding
  • final keyword

Exception handling

  • What are exceptions and errors?
  • Checked Exception or Compile time Exception
  • Unchecked Exception or Run Exception
  • How to Handle Exception in the Program?
  • Using Try and catch blocks
  • Using of throe
  • Using of throws


  • Overview of Collections API
  • Arrays vs Collections
  • List, Set, Map interfaces
  • Using ArrayList Class
  • Working with elements of a Collection
  • Examples for all the above concepts

Database Connection (IDBC)

  • How to configure My SQL database
  • How to configure with Eclipse
  • Connection Interface Commands
  • Statement Interface Commands
  • Result Set Interface Commands
  • How to execute query

Debug Java code / Scripts in Eclipse

  • Understanding Debug
  • Using Breakpoints
  • Verify the values during debug
  • Using step over, step into

Selenium Web Driver

  • Features and Limitations of Selenium Webdriver
  • Configure Selenium with Eclipse IDE(Adding selenium Libraries)
  • Configure Selenium with Chrome, Firefox Driver, IE, Safari, Opera browsers
  • WebDriver Interface
  • Chrome Driver, Firefox Driver, Internet Explorer Driver, Edge Driver classes
  • Browser Commands
  • Navigation Commands
  • Handling Cookies


  • Object identification
  • Find Element and find Elements
  • Different types of Locators
  • Xpath, relative Xpath, AbsoluteXpath, cssSelector
  • How to build dynamic Xpath
  • Identifying Objects using Xpath and cssSelectors
  • How to use Regular Expressions in Xpath and Css Selectors
  • How to configure ChroPath •Html Tags and DOM structure

Text Field, Checkbox, Radio Buttons, Links and Buttons

  • Handling TextField and Text Area
  • Handling Checkbox’s
  • Handling RadioButtons
  • Handling Links and Buttons
  • WebElement Interface methods

Dropdowns, Web Tables, Calendar

  • Handling dropdowns/listboxes
  • Select Class methods
  • Working with Dynamic Web Table Elernens
  • Extracting data from WebTable’s
  • Custom methods for WebTable’s
  • Select date from calendar

Alerts, Frames, Windows

  • Handling alerts
  • Alert interface methods
  • Handling Frares /Frares
  • Handling Nested Frames
  • How to handle multiple browsers or Tabs
  • Target Locator interface methods

Actions Class, Takes Screenshot, JavaScript Executor

  • Mouse Events
  • Double Click, contectClick, drag And Drop, click And Hold, release
  • Keyboard Events
  • How to scroll page.
  • Capture screenshot
  • How to execute JavaScript


  • How to use implicitWait. pageLod imeout. setScpt Timeout
  • How to use Explicit Wait
  • How to implement WebDriver Wait
  • What are different Expected Conditions and how to use
  • How to implement Fluent Wait


  • Headless browsers
  • Handling Notifications
  • Handling Auto Suggestions
  • Highlight objects .
  • Scroll into view
  • How to find broken links
  • Different Selenium Exceptions
  • Capture screenshot of entire page

Auto It, Sikuli, Robot

  • Configure Sikuli with Selenium
  • File Upload/ Download with Sikuli
  • Configure Auto It with Selenium
  • File Upload Download with Auto IT
  • File Upload/ Download with Robot

Apache POI

  • Configure Apache POI with Eclipse.
  • Workbook Sheet ,Row ,Cell Interfaces methods
  • HSSFSheet. HSSFRow. HSSFCell methods
  • XSSFSheet. XSSFRow,XSSFCell methods
  • How to read data from Excel file(XLS or XLSX)
  • How to wnite data to Excel file(XILS or XLSX)


  • TestNG Features
  • Configure TestNG with Eclipse
  • TestNG Annotations
  • Integrate Selenium Scripts with lestNG
  • Create TestNG.xml file
  • Assert methods
  • Hard Assert vs. Soft Assert
  • Cross browser testing
  • How to use DataProvider
  • Reporting Results
  • Listeners
  • Sequential Execution vs. Parallel Execution
  • How to create batch file
  • Extended Reports


  • What is maven?
  • Installing Maven in Local Machine
  • Creating Maven project in Eclipse
  • , Understanding of POM .xml
  • Maven Integration with TestNG
  • Maven Lifecycle
  • Executing Scripts Using Maven build tool
  • Advantages Maven Build Tool


  • Overview of Jenkins
  • Installing Jenkins
  • Configure Maven project in Jenkins
  • Configure Non Maven project in Jenkins
  • Creating Jobs in Jenkins
  • Scheduling Jobs for timely Execution
  • Integration with Selenium Scripts and Running Scripts
  • Configure Email notification in Jenkins

Selenium Grid

  • Overview of Selenium Grid
  • Remote WebDriver and Desired Capabilities class
  • Configuring Hub
  • Configuring Node
  • Running scripts on Remote system
  • Run Selenium scripts in parallel on Remote system.

GitHub & Git

  • How to create GitHub Account
  • Configure Git and GitHub with Eclipsel
  • Git & GitHub Commands
  • Integrate with Framework

Automation Life Cycle

  • What is a Framework?
  • Iypes of Frameworks
  • How to implement Data Driven framework
  • How to implement Page Object Model(POM)
  • How to implement Keyword driven Framework
  • How to implement Hybrid framework
  • How to execute the scripts from frameworks


  • Overview of BDD and Cucumber
  • How to install and setup Cucumber with Eclipse
  • Overview of Gherkin keywords
  • How to create Feature file
  • How to generate Step Definition file
  • How to integrate Cucumber with Selenium WebDriver
  • JUnit Test Runner Class
  • Data Driven Testing in Cucumber
  • Configure Cucumber with Maven and lenkins
  • How generate Reports in Cucumber

Katalon Studio

  • Download and Install Katalon Studio
  • Configuring Katalon Studio for Web Applications
  • How to create TestCase and TestSuite
  • How to create Object Repository
  • Create Automation Script using Record and Playback, Manual Mode, Script Mode
  • How to integrate with other environments


  • Introduction to Mobile Automation & Appium
  • Installation of Android SDK on Windows OS
  • Installation of Appium on Windows OS
  • Configure Appium Client libraries
  • Configuration of Environment variables
  • How to use UI Automator Viewer
  • How to use Appium Inspector
  • Different types of Locators
  • Mobile Web App Automation
  • Native App Automation
  • Hybrid App Automation
  • Configuring & executing scripts on Emulator and Real Device

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