React is a declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building Web Applications. It follows component-based approach. Easy to create smaller components and build large-scale applications. The main goal is to build large-scale high-performance applications with smaller and reusable stateful components. We provide ReactJS Training by Real-Time Experts with Real-Time Scenarios and always support.

Course Objectives:

  • This is to provide awareness about ReactJS and keep updated yourself with latest trends.
  • The main objective of React Training is to create smaller components to build Interactive User interfaces.

About the Trainer


  • Name: John Smith
  • Professional Title: Full stack developer
  • Education: Master’s in Computer Science, XYZ University
  • Expertise:
    • Over 15 years of experience in software development and architecture
    • Proficient in full-stack development with expertise in Java and web application development
  • Industry Experience:
    • Worked with leading tech companies, contributing to the development of scalable and secure applications
    • Extensive experience in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions for diverse industries
  • Training Experience:
    • Conducted numerous training sessions on cloud architecture, software development best practices, and agile methodologies
    • Received positive feedback for clear communication and hands-on, practical training approach
  • Skills:
    • Strong communication and presentation skills
    • Ability to convey complex technical concepts in an understandable manner
    • Passionate about fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment



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About this course

This course teaches the coding of full stack web design using HTML, HMTL5, CSS3, with React JS basics to advance concepts from realtime project implementation. These web technologies are used to develop standalone applications for desktops, tablets and mobile phones, and this course will open up this rapidly evolving field to you.


Top-Level Content

  • JavaScript – Basics and In-depth
  • React – Basics and In-depth
  • Node – Basics
  • React with Node


  • Basics of JavaScript.
  • JavaScript in depth.
    • Creating classes
    • Creating private/public/global fields
    • Creating private/public/global functions
    • Dynamic rendering with JavaScript
    • Events


  • Introduction to React
  • Original DOM vs Virtual DOM
  • React Components
  • React Components with JSX
  • React Components with ES6
  • Props and state


  • Basics of Node and Installation.
  • Introduction to Npm
  • Adding and removing modules

React with Node

  • Creating an application using Create React App.
  • Life Cycle
  • Debugging
  • Default values
  • SetState in depth
  • Creating Forms
  • Creating Table
  • Handling Events
  • Applying Filters
  • JSX in depth
  • Validations
  • Applying Styles
  • Backend calls
  • Stateful Components
  • Stateless Components
  • Local Storage
  • Routing
    • Basic Routing and Passing Params
    • Hyperlinks
  • Master Pages
  • Reconciliation
  • Creating Reusable Components
  • React.Component vs React.pure Component
  • Composition vs Inheritance
  • Code Reusability and Optimization
  • Fragments
  • Bundling
  • Deploying

Integration of 3rd party Modules

  • Google Maps
  • Bootstrap Controls
  • Material UI
  • Toast Messages for notifications


  • Other Debugging Options
  • Developer Tools
  • Current Applications developed in React
  • Future of React.
  • Introduction to Starter Kits
  • Integration with other libraries

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