Continue your JavaScript learning journey with Learn JavaScript: Classes and Modules. Reuse logic in different parts of our application by easily producing multiple objects that have the same properties using classes and exporting and importing modules. You will also learn about inheritance a concept used to efficiently produce classes with similar properties.

About the Trainer


  • Name: John Smith
  • Professional Title: Senior Software Engineer
  • Education: Master’s in Computer Science, XYZ University
  • Expertise:
    • Over 15 years of experience in software development and architecture
    • Proficient in full-stack development with expertise in Java and web application development
  • Industry Experience:
    • Worked with leading tech companies, contributing to the development of scalable and secure applications
    • Extensive experience in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions for diverse industries
  • Training Experience:
    • Conducted numerous training sessions on cloud architecture, software development best practices, and agile methodologies
    • Received positive feedback for clear communication and hands-on, practical training approach
  • Skills:
    • Strong communication and presentation skills
    • Ability to convey complex technical concepts in an understandable manner
    • Passionate about fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment



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About this course

Make your websites dynamic and interactive with JavaScript! You’ll create features and stand-alone applications. This module includes projects where you will learn how to manipulate the DOM, use object-oriented programming principles, and fetch real-world data using APIs.


01 Basics of JavaScript

VS Code Installation, JavaScript Variables, Variable Naming Convention, Data Types, Arithmetic Operators, Type conversion and more.

02 JavaScript Fundamentals

Comparison Operators, Conditional Statements, Ternary Operator, Logical Operator, Nullish Coalescing, For & While Loops, Error Handling and more.

03 Functional Programming

Function declaration, Anonymous Function & Function Expression, Return and undefined, Arrow Function and more.

04 String Methods

Iterating over String, String Methods: charAt & charCodeAt, indexOf, includes, toUpperCase & toLowerCase, substring, trim.

05 Arrays

Iterating Over Array, Copy By Reference, Array Methods: Push & Concat, pop, splice, includes, sort, split and join, Spread Array, Destructuring Array

06 Objects

Object Properties, Functions as Property, Computed & Property Shorthand, Object Reference & Shallow Copy, Optional Chaining, Function Borrowing and more

07 How JS Works – Behind the Scenes

Execution Context, How JS Executes Code, Call Stack, Hoisting – var & function, Hoisting – let, const and TDZ

08 More About Functions

Pure Functions, First Class & Higher Order Functions, map, filter, reduce, Argument Object, Rest Parameter, Variable Scope, Scope and Scope Chain, Recursion, Closure

09 Coding Drills – 1

Palindrome String, Remove Vowels from String, Mask Characters, Encoded Characters, Sub String, Convert Odd to Even & Vice Versa, Find Sum of Numbers Less Than 40, and more.

10 Document Object Model – DOM

What is DOM?, Searching the DOM, Event Listener, Bubbling & Capturing, Event Delegation, Creating HTML with Javascript, Async and Defer

11 Projects

Quizify – CLI Quiz App, Wishlist App, Form Validation using Regex, Notes App

12 Capstone: Flash Ecommerce Project

Product Listing Page, Navbar, Cart Page, Horizontal Card, Price Component, Filters

13 Polyfills

Polyfills for Map, Filter, Reduce, Flatten, Call & Apply, Bind

14 Asynchronous Javascript

Callbacks, How Async JS Works, Callback Hell, Promise, Creating a Promise, Method Chaining, Promise API – Promise.all(), Promise.allSettled(), Promise.race() v/s Promise.any(), async/await

15 Coding Drills – 2

Arrange Words In Ascending Order of Length, Reverse words of a string without changing their order, Count the frequency of elements in an Array

16 Interview Problems – Machine Coding

Stop Watch Timer, Debouncing, Throttling, Modal, Carousel, Deep Copy, Drop Down

17 Advanced Projects

Movie App, Recipe App, Quiz App

18 Classes

Prototype, Basics of Classes, Classes Inheritance, Static properties and methods, private properties

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