In this introductory hands-on training you’ll learn how to code HTML5 and CSS3 to create web pages. We use the popular (and free) Brackets HTML editor to make coding easier. You’ll leverage some popular JavaScript libraries to add interactivity. And you’ll learn to build responsive web pages that adjust for optimal display on mobile devices. HTML is the programming language of the web. Today’s WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) web development software (such as Adobe’s Dreamweaver and WordPress) make the creating of web pages point-and-click, writing the HTML code behind the scenes. However, it’s still important to understand the language behind web pages.

Course Objectives:

At the end of the course students will be able to:

  • recognize and code the basic structor of a web page
  • employ the most common structural elements (lists, tables, divs,
    and HTML5 semantic containers)
  • style elements using CSS
  • know the most common CSS selectors
  • understand CSS box properties
  • use images and HTML5 video
  • implement responsive design

About the Trainer


  • Name: John Smith
  • Professional Title: Full stack developer
  • Education: Master’s in Computer Science, XYZ University
  • Expertise:
    • Over 15 years of experience in software development and architecture
    • Proficient in full-stack development with expertise in Java and web application development
  • Industry Experience:
    • Worked with leading tech companies, contributing to the development of scalable and secure applications
    • Extensive experience in designing and implementing cloud-based solutions for diverse industries
  • Training Experience:
    • Conducted numerous training sessions on cloud architecture, software development best practices, and agile methodologies
    • Received positive feedback for clear communication and hands-on, practical training approach
  • Skills:
    • Strong communication and presentation skills
    • Ability to convey complex technical concepts in an understandable manner
    • Passionate about fostering a collaborative and engaging learning environment



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About this course

This course teaches the coding of web design using HTML and CSS rather than front-end design.
These web technologies are used to develop standalone applications for desktops, tablets and
mobile phones, and this course will open up this rapidly evolving field to you.


CHAPTER 1-Getting Acquainted with HTML
Lesson 1.1-Introduction to the Internet
Lesson 1.2-Introduction to HTML Terminology
Lesson 1.3-Options for Writing HTML
Lesson 1.4-Unicode Transformation Format (UTF)
Lesson 1.5-HTML5 Resources
Lesson 2.1-What’s Different in HTML5?
Lesson 2.2-<!DOCTYPE> in HTML5
CHAPTER 3-Designing a Webpage
Lesson 3.1-Design Considerations and Planning
Lesson 3.2-Basic Tags and Document Structure
Lesson 3.3-HTML Tags
Lesson 3.4-Head Tags
Lesson 3.5-Title Tags
Lesson 3.6-Body Tags
Lesson 3.7-Metadata
Lesson 3.8-Saving an HTML Page
CHAPTER 4-Page Formatting
Lesson 4.1-Adding a New Paragraph
Lesson 4.2-Adding a Line Break
Lesson 4.3-Inserting Blank Space
Lesson 4.4-Preformatted Text
Lesson 4.5-Changing a Page’s Background Color
Lesson 4.6-Div Element
CHAPTER 5-Text Items and Objects
Lesson 5.1-Headings
Lesson 5.2-Comments
Lesson 5.3-Block Quotes
Lesson 5.4-Horizontal Lines
Lesson 5.5-Special Characters
CHAPTER 6-Creating Lists
Lesson 6.1-Numbered (Ordered) Lists
Lesson 6.2-Bulleted (Unordered) Lists
Lesson 6.3-Nested Lists
Lesson 6.4-Definition Lists
Lesson 7.1-What are Links?
Lesson 7.2-Text Links
Lesson 7.3-Image Links
Lesson 7.4-Opening a Page in a New Window or Tab
Lesson 7.5-Setting all Links on a Page to Open in a New Window or Tab
Lesson 7.6-Linking to an Area on the Same Page (Bookmarks)
Lesson 7.7-Linking to an E-mail Address
Lesson 7.8-Linking to Other Types of Files
CHAPTER 8-Images
Lesson 8.1-Introduction to Images for Webpages
Lesson 8.2-Adding Images to Webpages
Lesson 8.3-Resizing an Image
Lesson 8.4-Alternative (ALT) Text
Lesson 8.5-Image Labels
CHAPTER 9-Basic Tables
Lesson 9.1-Inserting a Table
Lesson 9.2-Table Borders
Lesson 9.3-Table Headers
CHAPTER 10-IFrames
Lesson 10.1-What is an Iframe?
Lesson 10.2-Inserting Iframes
Lesson 10.3-Setting Height and Width
Lesson 10.4-Using an Iframe for a link target
CHAPTER 11-Forms
Lesson 11.1-About Forms
Lesson 11.2-Sending to E-mail
Lesson 11.3-Text Boxes
Lesson 11.4-Text Areas
Lesson 11.5-Check Boxes
Lesson 11.6-Menu Lists
Lesson 11.7-Radio Buttons
Lesson 11.8-The Submit Button
Lesson 11.9-The Reset Button
Lesson 11.10-Changing the Tab Order
CHAPTER 12-Video and Audio
Lesson 12.1-About Video and Audio Files
Lesson 12.2-Linking to Video and Audio Files
Lesson 12.3-Adding Video
Lesson 12.4-Adding Audio
Lesson 12.5-Using YouTube to Display Video
CHAPTER 13-Troubleshooting
Lesson 13.1-Troubleshooting
CHAPTER 14-Cascading Style Sheets
Lesson 14.1-What are Cascading Style Sheets?
Lesson 14.2-CSS Syntax
Lesson 14.3-Creating an External CSS
Lesson 14.4-Linking to a CSS
Lesson 14.5-Adding Comments and Notes to a CSS
Lesson 14.6-Creating an Internal Style Sheet
Lesson 14.7-ID and Class
Lesson 14.8-Inline Styling
CHAPTER 15-Working With Text in CSS
Lesson 15.1-Emphasizing Text (Bold and Italic)
Lesson 15.2-Decoration
Lesson 15.3-Indentation
Lesson 15.4-Transformation
Lesson 15.5-Text Alignment
Lesson 15.6-Fonts
Lesson 15.7-Font Sizes
Lesson 15.8-Letter Spacing (Kerning)
Lesson 15.9-Line Spacing (Leading)
Lesson 15.10-Text Color
Lesson 15.11-Margins
Lesson 15.12-Padding
Lesson 15.13-Borders
Lesson 15.14-Styling Links
Lesson 15.15-Number and Bullet Styles
Lesson 15.16-Sizing Elements
Lesson 15.17-Text Wrapping
Lesson 15.18-Shadowing
CHAPTER 16-Creating Backgrounds in CSS
Lesson 16.1-Colors
Lesson 16.2-Images
Lesson 16.3-Fixed Images
CHAPTER 17-Images in CSS
Lesson 17.1-Opacity
Lesson 17.2-Floating Images
Lesson 17.3-Image Galleries
Lesson 17.4-Image Sprites
CHAPTER 18-Box Model in CSS
Lesson 18.1-What is a box model?
Lesson 18.2-Margin
Lesson 18.3-Padding
Lesson 18.4-Border
Lesson 18.5-Outline
CHAPTER 19-Working With Elements in CSS
Lesson 19.1-Display and Visibility
Lesson 19.2-Grouping and Nesting
Lesson 19.3-Dimensions of Elements
Lesson 19.4-Positioning
Lesson 19.5-Floating
Lesson 19.6-Pseudo-Classes/Pseudo-Elements
CHAPTER 20-Adding a Navigation Bar in CSS
Lesson 20.1-Vertical Navigation Bar
Lesson 20.2-Horizontal Navigation Bar – Inline
Lesson 20.3-Horizontal Navigation Bar – Floating
Lesson 21.1-Borders
Lesson 21.2-Collapsed Borders
Lesson 21.3-Table Width and Cell Height
Lesson 21.4-Table Color
Lesson 21.5-Table Text Element
Lesson 21.6-Table Padding
CHAPTER 22-Working With Transforms in CSS
Lesson 22.1-What are Transforms?
Lesson 22.2-2D Transforms
Lesson 22.3-3D Transforms
CHAPTER 23-Transitions and Animations in CSS
Lesson 23.1-Transitions
Lesson 23.2-Animations
CHAPTER 24-CSS Shorthand
Lesson 24.1-Shorthand Properties

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